Increasing production and consumption of sustainable seafood in Sweden
Seawin is a Formas funded project that will run between 2017-2022. Its structure combines 1) gaining an understanding of farming/fishing systems and consumers, and 2) identifies transformation pathways toward seafood sustainability. The project partners include stakeholders representing the industry as well as environmental NGOs and government institutions. The purpose for this broad inclusion is to encourage collective actions towards transformative change.
Overal Objectives
Gaining a deeper understanding about the sustainability of seafood consumed and produced in Sweden Explain in what way seafood consumption patterns are formed and give new insights to transformation pathways towards improved human health and environmental sustainability
Specific objectives
i) Map existing seafood production systems in Sweden, innovative start-ups and seafood trade
ii) Evaluate seafood consumption from a health and environmental perspective
iii) Assess the sustainability of seafood production systems (capture fisheries and farming) using LCA including social indicators
iv) Further our understanding about consumer perceptions of seafood sustainability and health
v) Investigate the role of eco-certification and dietary guidelines in improving seafood production practices
vi) Evaluate and develop novel measures for transforming seafood consumption towards improved sustainability.
WP1. Characterisation of the current Swedish seafood portfolio
WP2. Environmental performance of innovative seafood
WP3. Understanding the role of different perceptions and attitudes along the supply chain?
WP4. Improving seafood production - Evaluating the role of eco-certification and other policy tools
WP5. Evaluation and development of existing and novel mechanisms for sustainable consumption
Project Partners
The project is a collaboration between different international universities and private enterprises
Max Troell
Therese Lindahl
Friederike Ziegler
Sara Hornborg
Kristina Bergman
Patrik Henriksson
Malin Jonell
Peter Tyedmers
Patrik Rönnbäck
Athanasios Crystallise Krontalis
Project Stakeholder Partners
Advisory/Reference group
Elisabeth Lindgren
SRC, Stockholm University
Inger Näslund
Jeroen Guinee
University of Leiden